You Can Own a Home!
The Multifamily (Subsidized) Housing program provides quality, affordable rental housing for families, seniors, and persons with disabilities at developments that are owned and managed by Franklin Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
Pursuant to program requirements, residents pay no more than 30 percent of their annual adjusted income for rent.
We also offer the choice of flat rate rent. The flat rate rent option allows our residents to increase their earnings while allowing them to maintain a low and manageable rent payment.
Multifamily Housing has a lot to offer! With a variety of programs, we assist our families to move in, up and out. From the Family Self-Sufficiency program, which allows residents to save money each month, to homeownership programs, we have it all!
There have many changes to this program since its inception in 1974. This brief history of the program will assist you in understanding the program and where it stands today.
This “Act” is responsible for the birth of federal housing program initiatives. The Act was intended to provide financial assistance to states and cities for public works projects, slum clearance and the development of affordable housing developments for low-income residents.
This “Act” created a new federally assisted housing program – the Section 8 Existing program (also known as the Section 8 Certificate program). The HCD Act represented a significant shift in federal housing strategy from locally owned public housing to privately owned rental housing.
Under the Certificate program, federal housing assistance payments were made directly to private owners of rental housing, where this housing was made available to lower-income families. Eligible families were able to select housing in the private rental market. Assuming that the housing met certain basic physical standards of quality (“housing quality standards”) and was within certain HUD-established rent limitations (“fair market rents”), the family would be able to receive rental assistance in the housing unit. Family contribution to rent was generally set at 30 percent of the family’s adjusted income, with the remainder of the rent paid by the program.
Another unique feature of the Certificate program was that the rental assistance remained with the eligible family, if the family chose to move to another privately owned rental unit that met program requirements (in contrast to the public housing program where the rental assistance remains with the unit, should the family decide to move). Consequently, the Certificate program was characterized as tenant-based assistance, rather than unit-based assistance.
This authorized a new version of tenant-based assistance – the Section 8 Voucher program. The Voucher program was very similar to the Certificate program in that eligible families were able to select housing in the private rental market and receive assistance in that housing unit.
However, the Voucher program permitted families more options in housing selection. Rental housing still had to meet the basic housing quality standards, but there was no fair market rent limitation on rent. In addition, family contribution to rent was not set at a limit of 30% of adjusted income. Consequently, depending on the actual rental cost of the unit selected, a family might pay more or less than 30% of their adjusted income for rent.
Public housing agencies managed both the Certificate and Voucher tenant-based assistance programs, with separate rules and requirements for each.
HUD published a series of new rules, known as “conforming” rules, to more closely combine and align the two similar housing programs, to the extent permitted by the law.
Also known as the Public Housing Reform Act – was signed into law. QHWRA eliminated all statutory differences between the Certificate and Voucher tenant-based programs and required that the two programs be merged into a single tenant-based assistance program, now known as the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.
The HCV program was modeled closely on the pre-merger Voucher program. However, unlike the pre-merger Voucher program, the HCV program requires an assisted family to pay at least 30 percent of adjusted income for rent.
The transition of assistance from the Certificate and Voucher programs to the new HCV program began in October 1999. By October 2001, all families receiving tenant-based assistance were converted to the HCV program.
To provide safe, decent and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage resources efficiently. The FRHA is to promote personal, economic and social upward mobility to provide families the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized to unsubsidized housing.
Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) is a HUD program that encourages communities to develop local strategies to help assist families obtains employment that leads families to economic independence and self sufficiency. Public Housing agencies (PHA) work with welfare agencies, schools, businesses, and other local partners to develop a comprehensive program that provides participating FSS family members the skills and experience to enable residents the ability to obtain employment that pays a living wage.
Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) is important to families residing in Public Housing, because it will assist them in building for their future. Participants in the program establish goals; receive training, homeownership counseling and household counseling.
Residents who reside in Public Housing or families receiving the choice voucher can participate in the FSS Program.
The FSS escrow account is an interest-bearing account established by the PHA for each participating family. The escrow account is based upon family increases through employment. The funds are credited to the account by the PHA monthly. The funds are presented to the participant at the completion of the program.
Residents Council is the governing body for the residents in Public Housing. The board members are residents from each property maintained by Public Housing, and elected by the residents to serve on the board.
The goal of Resident Council is to assist with improving the quality of life; promote education, economic stability, and recreational opportunities for the residents; and improve relationships with property management.
Like Skills is a program funded through a Ross Granted providing training to the underemployed and unemployed in Public Housing and residents in the City of Franklin and surrounding areas. The program sessions last for 12 weeks and offer classes in the anger management, health and wellness, conflict resolution, financial fitness, homeownership, job search and personal care aide training.
The program is open to individual seeking employment, a change in their life, career choices and desire to become self sufficient. The program is offered in September, January and April. We are on the same schedule as Franklin School system. Interested parties will need to contact the Case manager at 757-569-7940.
The Homeownership Plan is developed as a major component of the Authority’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program. The program will target households that meet the eligibility requirements within the following groups with priority given as shown below:
Coordination of the application process and the preparation of families for homeownership will be the responsibility of the Authority’s Case Manager. The Case Manager will review the applications to see that they meet all requirements.
When the Case Manager determines that an applicant, who is a resident of public housing or a participant in the Section 8 program, is not currently suitable for the Homeownership Program, then the Case Manager will seek to develop a Plan of Action with the applicant. The Plan of Action shall describe the specific counseling, training and technical support required by the applicant to move them toward the goal of homeownership.
Every client of FRHA is treated with the utmost dignity and respect.
Phone: 757-562-0384
Fax: 757-571-0086
e-Fax: 757-257-1325
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